I was joking! All I have to say is lol. A lot of you fell for it. Oh well. Joke was on me. Sorry for making you guys worry it was just so funny. Anyway... I love you guys, I would never leave. Pisses ya off doesn't it acethesly? Good, i'm happy it does ya jerk. Anyway, I submitted my classical which i think the flute begining is EPIC... the rest is average though.
Jaymz please don't go!!!!!
Is it what I've done?
Your my best friend!!!!
I love you....
Both like a brother and like a boyfriend....
I don't want you to leave....
That means I wont be able to talk to you again....
Please stay....
If it's something I did lease tell me...
I swear I'll change.....
Don't go Jaymz....
Dude, why would I leave because of just one person? Besides It's noones fault and i'm just bored of the internet. Noone is original. The websites are pretty much copies of eachother. Once in a while you might find something special like kongregates badge system but thats about it. Same morons, same ideas, same mods. I figured out the real world is more spontaneous than the internet. If i'm gonna get anywhere in the real world I have to lay off the internet addiction. I might keep this account but I will barely i repeat BARELY be on it.