Do you remember when you commented flash and your saying its crappy you AND YOU TELL THE REASON WHY and they say "well you can't say anything! You've never made flash so you cant do any better!" These stupid bastards are so fucking annoying. My reason is the theory of the critic. When critics review food do they make it... no! They fucking eat it! When a critic reviews a movie did they make a movie... Hell no! They watch it! So why cant we review your fucking flash if we dont make it. The review place is where us "the reviewers" review you. Now you can get pissed off at those guys that just say "this sucks" and thats it cause they would annoy the piss outta me too. But us that state the reason should not get dicked over. If you cant take the honest critisizm you should not be making things for people to watch. Your gonna get critisized! So if you cant handle it dont put it out to watch! I mean apart from that I fucking make flash!!! Ok, so wut i don't submit it to newgrounds. Hell i dont even submit it at all because i think it sucks and i no dicks are gonna be dicks. But one day i will make good enough stuff and submit but it will be a while. *I swear if this gets bad enough foamy is gonna rant about this and noone wants that* Alright, i'm done being a dick.
It's especially funny when the reviewer in fact DOES make Flash.
You shouldn't be talking cause you dont make flash!!! lol jk. Wouldn't it piss you off if i wasn't joking.